Warranty & Returns
All products purchased in our store are provided with a warranty for 2 years on condition not using the products for production purposes. In other cases the manufacturer's warranty is valid.

Confirmation of the right of free warranty service is the filled warranty card of the manufacturer or warranty card of our store. To obtain a free warranty service keep the warranty card for the terms of operation of the products. When the product defect is noticed the products together with the documents that confirm the warranty and purchase must be delivered to the official service center of the manufacturer or to our store.
The warranty expires in the following cases:
- damaged any manufacturer's marks: stickers, holograms, seals, etc;
- serial numbers on the products or their marking do not correspond to the information noted in the warranty card;
- damages are caused by the use of the product for a purpose that does not correspond to the established area of application of the product specified in the manual;
- the product is damaged or out of order due to the violation of the rules and conditions of installation, connection, adaptation;
- the product has severe mechanical or electrical damages due to any action of the buyer;
- damages caused by ingress of foreign objects, substances, liquids into the product;
- damages caused by the use of consumables that do not correspond requirements of the manual;
- the specialist of the service department noticed the use of non-standard modes or parameters of the equipment or its components (frequencies, voltages, etc);
- damages are caused by the formating on the heating elements an excess layer of scale;
- if the tool is damaged as a result of impact loads (exception if the tool is designed for this type of loads);
- damages as a result of a significant excess of the design efforts;
- damages due to the wear of working surfaces and structural elements.
Warranties for groups of products
- Spanners. Warranty: if a manufacturer's defect is found the replacement can be made during the entire service life on condition using the tool accordingly to the rules of operation. Spanners are designed to work with your hand. The length of the spanner provides a standard tightening force on the fastener. Extensions must not be used and impact loads must not be applied.
- Tap wrenches. Warranty: if a manufacturer's defect is found the replacement can be made during the entire service life on condition using the tool accordingly to the rules of operation. Tap wrenches are designed to work with your hand. The length of the tap wrenches provides a standard tightening force. Non-standard tap wrenches must not be used, additional forces and impact loads must not be applied.
- Sockets. Warranty: if a manufacturer's defect is found the replacement can be made during the entire service life on condition using the tool accordingly to the rules of operation. Sockets are designed for manual operation with standard extensions and tap wrenches of the same type of fitting dimensions. You must not install sockets designed for manual work on impact nut drivers.
- Ratchets. Warranty: if a manufacturer's defect is found the repair or replacement can be made within 12 months from the date of purchase on condition using the tool accordingly to the rules of operation. Ratchets are a complex mechanical device containing fragile elements that can be damaged when the design loads are exceeded. It is not recommended to use ratchets for dismounting of the fasteners which have a high degree of corrosion. The ratchets are designed for manual work with standard sockets, extensions and adapters of the same type of fitting dimensions.
- Screwdrivers. Warranty: if a manufacturer's defect is found the replacement can be made during the entire service life on condition using the tool accordingly to the rules of operation. Screwdrivers are designed for efforts which does not exceed the maximum tightening torque of the fasteners. Screwdrivers damaged by bending loads can not be replaced. The wear of the screwdriver tips is not a warranty case.
- Clamps, pliers and side cutting pliers. Warranty: if a manufacturer's defect is found the replacement can be made during the entire service life on condition using the tool accordingly to the rules of operation. Impact loads must not be applied. The wear of the working surfaces due to the operating process is not a warranty case.
- Plug sockets. Warranty: if a manufacturer's defect is found the replacement can be made during the entire service life on condition using the tool accordingly to the rules of operation.
* Warranty is not carried out for: insert bits, hammers, flexible extensions.
Cancellation of the contract and return of the products
Purchasing in our online store you enter into a remote contract with the company Avtodelo. You have the right to cancel the contract within 14 days. To use the right of refusal you must inform us of your intention and send a notification about the use of the right of refusal until the end of its term.
In case of the cancellation of the contract we will return all received payments no later than 14 days from the date we were informed of your decision to cancel the contract. The products must be returned to our store no later than 14 days after you informed us of the cancellation of the contract. Sending the products to our store by using the courier services you agree with the act of receiving the products, their visual condition and the complete set made by us unilaterally. You can use the right of refusal and unilaterally cancel the contract within 14 days, reimbursing the costs of the delivery of the products; expenses for the return of the products, except the case when we reimburse these costs or not informed about the opposite; decrease in the value of the products. You are not responsible for reducing the cost of the products unless we inform you about it.
The right of refusal cannot be used by legal entities.
In accordance with the rules of the Cabinet of Ministers Nr. 255 of May 20, 2014 "Regulations of the remote contract," paragraph 22, the consumer can not use the right of refusal if the price of the products depends on the financial market that the seller can not control; the products are manufactured at the request of the consumer; the product was damaged or soon expires.