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Timing locking tool set VAG 2.5 / 4.9 TDi


Main features
Number of items6
Package (pcs)1/2
Weight (kg)8,000

Timing locking tool set VAG 2.5 / 4.9 TDi

  • Used to install the gas distribution mechanism phases for diesel engines 2.5 and 4.9 TDi PD VAG.
  • Set tools allow to adjust the timing gear mechanism and install the compensation gear mechanism of the high-pressure fuel pump.
  • Intended for diesel engines Volkswagen Touareg / VW Transporter 2003 release year and later.
  • Engine codes: BAC, BLK, BPD, AXD, AX, BLJ, BNZ, BPC.
  • Komplektuojamas su įtaisu, skirtu įstatyti paskirstymo veleno kompensavimo krumpliaratį ir reguliuoti dujų paskirstymo mechanizmo krumplinės pavaros atotrūkį (sudaro 2 dalys) automobilių Touareg (2003-), Phaeton (2003-), Transporter (2004-) 5 ir 10 cilindrų dyzeliniams varikliams – (analogas T10199 и T10199/1), paskirstomojo veleno fiksatoriumi 2,5 TDI (analogas T10193), paskirstomojo veleno fiksatoriumi 4,9 TDI (analogas T10194), alkūninio veleno fiksatorius 2,5 TDI (аналог T10226), насадкой для динамометрического ключа (analogas T10234) ir tipo alkūninio veleno posūkio adapteriu 2,5 TDI (analogas T10225).
  • Supplied in an individual plastic case.
Product Code: Number of items
Qty:Retail price (tax included) Availability:
4045761/20.00 кг 230,25€


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