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Set for restoring nozzle seats


Main features
Number of items21
Package (pcs)1/4
Weight (kg)2,500

Set for restoring nozzle seats

  • It is used for repairing the seats of Bosch and Delphi fuel injectors for HDI engines, direct injection diesel engines and engines with a Common rail system.
  • It is equipped with reamers for processing seats, hand brushes and devices for dismantling and installing o-rings.
  • Piegādāts individuālā plastmasas kārbā.
  • Complete set: Holder with a snap ring and a spring; Device for dismantling o-rings; Flexible bit holder; Brush 300 mm long, working part - 100x8.5 mm; Brush 85 mm long, working part - 25x19.5 mm; Device for installing spark plugs;Step sweep 180 ° diameter 19/17/15 mm; Sweep 180 ° diameter 17 mm; Sweep 120 ° diameter 17 mm; Centering cones with a diameter of 18 - 20.5, 16 - 21.5, 18 - 24.5 mm; Plugs - 6 pcs; Brush holder.
Product Code: Number of items
Qty:Retail price (tax included) Availability:
40043211/42.63 кг 89,20€


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